653 research outputs found

    Quantum Navigation and Ranking in Complex Networks

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    Complex networks are formal frameworks capturing the interdependencies between the elements of large systems and databases. This formalism allows to use network navigation methods to rank the importance that each constituent has on the global organization of the system. A key example is Pagerank navigation which is at the core of the most used search engine of the World Wide Web. Inspired in this classical algorithm, we define a quantum navigation method providing a unique ranking of the elements of a network. We analyze the convergence of quantum navigation to the stationary rank of networks and show that quantumness decreases the number of navigation steps before convergence. In addition, we show that quantum navigation allows to solve degeneracies found in classical ranks. By implementing the quantum algorithm in real networks, we confirm these improvements and show that quantum coherence unveils new hierarchical features about the global organization of complex systems.Comment: title changed, more real networks analyzed, version published in scientific report

    Variations in brain DNA

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    It is assumed that DNA sequences are conserved in the diverse cell types present in a multicellular organism like the human being. Thus, in order to compare the sequences in the genome of DNA from different individuals, nucleic acid is commonly isolated from a single tissue. In this regard, blood cells are widely used for this purpose because of their availability. Thus blood DNA has been used to study genetic familiar diseases that affect other tissues and organs, such as the liver, heart, and brain. While this approach is valid for the identification of familial diseases in which mutations are present in parental germinal cells and, therefore, in all the cells of a given organism, it is not suitable to identify sporadic diseases in which mutations might occur in specific somatic cells. This review addresses somatic DNA variations in different tissues or cells (mainly in the brain) of single individuals and discusses whether the dogma of DNA invariance between cell types is indeed correct. We will also discuss how single nucleotide somatic variations arise, focusing on the presence of specific DNA mutations in the brain.This study was supported by grants from the BBVA Foundation and MICINN-MINECO.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Aplicación de las políticas de adaptación al cambio climático según ley 30754, desarrolladas por la municipalidad distrital de Castilla, 2019

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    El presente estudio de investigación tiene como objetivo de investigación determinar la aplicación de la Ley Marco sobre Cambio Climático en la Municipalidad Distrital de Castilla, por parte de los funcionarios municipales en sus acciones y partidas presupuestales en el desarrollo de su gestión ambiental. El estudio posee un diseño no experimental, de tipo descriptivo, presenta una muestra de 20 trabajadores del Municipalidad Distrital de Castilla y un muestreo no probabilístico (muestras dirigidas e intencionadas). Se utilizaron tres instrumentos como la entrevista, observación y análisis documentario, para medir la aplicación de la variable Ley Marco Sobre Cambio Climático y sus precategorías. Entre los principales resultados se obtuvo como una constante en las respuestas de la entrevista, el desconocimiento de la ley y su relación al servicio público de recojo de residuos, podemos entender que no tienen un trabajo ambiental basado en las normativas existentes que rigen las políticas climáticas. Así mismo el análisis documentario analizado da pie a incidir en que los trabajadores municipales desconocen las leyes bajo las cuales debe desarrollarse su accionar municipal y que falta una formación técnica referida a la Gestión Ambiental en las áreas correspondientes a la ejecución y desarrollo de la misma

    A survey on robotic technologies for forest firefighting: Applying drone swarms to improve firefighters’ efficiency and safety

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    Forest firefighting missions encompass multiple tasks related to prevention, surveillance, and extinguishing. This work presents a complete survey of firefighters on the current problems in their work and the potential technological solutions. Additionally, it reviews the efforts performed by the academy and industry to apply different types of robots in the context of firefighting missions. Finally, all this information is used to propose a concept of operation for the comprehensive application of drone swarms in firefighting. The proposed system is a fleet of quadcopters that individually are only able to visit waypoints and use payloads, but collectively can perform tasks of surveillance, mapping, monitoring, etc. Three operator roles are defined, each one with different access to information and functions in the mission: Mission commander, team leaders, and team members. These operators take advantage of virtual and augmented reality interfaces to intuitively get the information of the scenario and, in the case of the mission commander, control the drone swarmThis research received no external fundin

    Methodology for the navigation optimization of a terrain-adaptive unmanned ground vehicle

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    The goal of this article is to design a navigation algorithm to improve the capabilities of an all-terrain unmanned ground vehicle by optimizing its configuration (the angles between its legs and its body) for a given track profile function. The track profile function can be defined either by numerical equations or by points. The angles between the body and the legs can be varied in order to improve the adaptation to the ground profiles. A new dynamic model of an all-terrain vehicle for unstructured environments has been presented. The model is based on a half-vehicle and a quasi-static approach and relates the dynamic variables of interest for navigation with the topology of the mechanism. The algorithm has been created using a simple equation system. This is an advantage over other algorithms with more complex equations which need more time to be calculated. Additionally, it is possible to optimize to any ground-track-profile of any terrain. In order to prove the soundness of the algorithm developed, some results of different applications have been presented.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Government for financing provided through the MCYT project "RETOS2015: sistema de monitorización integral de conjuntos mecánicos críticos para la mejora del mantenimiento en el transporte-maqstatus" and also thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this article

    The Quasi-Passive Quadruped Robot walking: PASIQUAD

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    The design of the four legged walking robot "PASIQUAD" is presented in this article. It was designed in the university Carlos III of Madrid. It is a quadruped quasi-passive robot (with only one motor/actuator). The manuscript is focused on how the PASIQUAD walks and the kinematics and dynamics of the movement. In the manuscript the position, velocity and acceleration of each of its parts, as well as all the forces and torques on each of them, motor torque included, will be explain. The PASIQUAD robot copy the movement of animals and it is almost passive. That is a big advantage in energy cost

    Distinct X-chromosome SNVs from some sporadic AD samples

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    Sporadic Alzheimer disease (SAD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder. With the development of new generation DNA sequencing technologies, additional genetic risk factors have been described. Here we used various methods to process DNA sequencing data in order to gain further insight into this important disease. We have sequenced the exomes of brain samples from SAD patients and non-demented controls. Using either method, we found a higher number of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), from SAD patients, in genes present at the X chromosome. Using the most stringent method, we validated these variants by Sanger sequencing. Two of these gene variants, were found in loci related to the ubiquitin pathway (UBE2NL and ATXN3L), previously do not described as genetic risk factors for SAD

    OMEKA S para exposiciones digitales

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    Biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de OlavidePostprin

    Estudio del proceso de diseño de un banco de pruebas para análisis de fallos provocados por desequilibrado en eje rotor

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    Este proyecto pretende ser una guía práctica para la elaboración del diseño de un tipo de sistema capaz de generar los efectos producidos por desequilibrio en ejes rotores, posibilitando la medición y tratamiento de datos para su posterior análisis. Y puesto que no existe una única configuración que pueda cumplir los requerimientos solicitados, en cada caso particular; el planteamiento es tratar de proporcionar al futuro diseñador los suficientes elementos de valoración y análisis, para ser capaz de desarrollar un diseño conceptual de un banco de ensayos, que cumpla unos requerimientos mínimos, en cuanto a coherencia estructural y de funcionamiento; llegando a cumplir además, en nuestro caso, los requerimientos específicos demandados desde el departamento de la facultad. Para ello se plantea focalizar el objeto del proyecto, en el análisis del proceso de diseño, más que en el propio diseño, constituyendo así una herramienta muy completa para la posterior construcción del sistema, puesto que no sólo se lleva a cabo la selección y diseño básico de los componentes necesarios, sino que se estudian todas las variables y condicionantes que intervienen en el proceso constructivo, para posibilitar su posterior diseño detallado. En cuanto al desarrollo, se exponen inicialmente los principales problemas mecánicos que pueden darse en este tipo de sistemas, incidiendo en el estudio del desequilibrio, como una de las principales causas de dichos fallos; así como en posibles métodos de detección y corrección del mismo. Con especial relevancia al análisis de vibraciones. Posteriormente, se ofrecen una serie de pautas de carácter genérico, para la elaboración de pruebas de ensayo y análisis, con sistemas basados en ejes rotores. Para concluir se lleva a cabo un análisis detallado del proceso constructivo, basado en un proceso iterativo, tras la integración de los diferentes subsistemas; ofreciendo finalmente, algunas de las opciones más viables en cuanto a componentes disponibles en el mercado, métodos constructivos y posibilidades de diseño